Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Day 1 & 2 Brasilia...the capital

Sorry, for the delay. It has been a busy few days. Brazil is awesome! On the first day we checked into our hotel and got used to our new surroundings. I was told that our hotel is the same hotel the president stays in when he visits Brasilia on official visits. Brasilia is the capital of Brazil. Our hotel is located just outside the city on the shores of Lago Paranoa. Dilma Rouseff, the president of Brazil lives next door! I was hoping to get invited for dinner, but that hasn't happened yet. : (

Here was the welcome committee to greet us!

Guinea Hens

Monday was our first full day in Brasilia which which started with a Brazilian breakfast followed by classes on Brasilian culture, history, and education, a tour of the capital city. For dinner we were treated to a traditional Brazilian dinner ...cassava, farofa, pasteles, and steak!

Brazilian breakfast delights: My favorite is the "pao de quejo"....cheese bread!

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